Legal information

These are the general website terms and conditions for use of this website, and any associated sites provided to you by Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH, a company registered in Germany.



Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH
Langwiesenweg 64-71
75323 Bad Wildbad


By accessing this website, you consent to the following Terms and Conditions of use:

Purpose of the site
The content of this site is provided for general information purposes about POLYTON's products and services.

Use of site
Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy, currency, completeness and electronic integrity of this site and the information published on it. However, Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH cannot accept liability for any loss of any kind incurred as a result of reliance on the information provided in this site or any other website which can be accessed by a link from this site, or the functioning of this site. See also the Linking and Framing Policy. The contents of this site are subject to change without notice.

Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH excludes to the fullest extent permitted by law all liability for any claims, penalties, losses, damages, costs or expenses arising from the use of, or inability to use, this site or from any unauthorised access to or alteration of the site.

This site is established in Germany and is directed to German residents only.

Links to this website
You may create a link from your website to the home page of this website provided that you do not link to this website from any site containing obscene, defamatory, threatening, inflammatory or degrading material or material which infringes the intellectual property or other rights of any third party or which is otherwise unlawful. By linking to this website, you agree that you have read and agree to be bound by this Linking and Framing Policy ("this Policy").

You agree not to use any trademark of Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH, or any related graphic, as a link without prior written authorisation from Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH. If you do create a link to this website, you do so at your own risk and this Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use of this website apply to all use of this website via the link. Links are permitted to the home page only and not to any other pages of this website. Any deep-linking to or framing of this website may only be made with the prior written consent of Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH. Applications should be made by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You must not misrepresent your relationship with Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH or present false or misleading impressions about Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH. Links may not be used in a manner that implies or suggests that Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH approves or endorses you, your website or your goods and/or services (except as Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH may have agreed separately with you in writing).

Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH shall have no responsibility or liability for any content appearing on your website. You agree to indemnify and defend Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH against all claims arising out of or based on your website.

Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH reserves the right at any time and in its sole discretion to request that you remove all links or any particular link to this website from your website.

Subject to your compliance with the above terms, Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free licence to use Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH's name solely for the purpose of establishing any permitted link under this Policy. Except for the limited licence to use Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH's name as set out and otherwise as may be permitted by applicable law, you may not use any of Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH's trademarks for any other reason without the express written permission of Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH. Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH may at any time, at its sole discretion, without cause, terminate the licence to use Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH's name and your right to link to any pages on this website. In such event upon request, you agree to immediately remove all links to this website and to cease using Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH's name for linking purposes. Thereafter, any future links to this website by you will require the express written permission of Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH. Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time. By continuing to link to this website, you agree to be bound to and abide by this Policy, as well as the Terms and Conditions of use on this website, as amended from time to time.

Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH reserves the right to employ all necessary measures at any time to remove any linking to or framing of this website.

Links from this website
Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH does not monitor or review the content of websites which can be accessed by a link from this website. Opinions expressed or information provided on any linked sites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH. Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH is not the publisher of material appearing on or available via any linked website and will not be held liable for any information, advertising, products or services on or offered from such sites, nor can Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH guarantee your privacy where you access other websites via this website. Any dealings between you and any third party advertisers or suppliers found on or via this website, including payment for and delivery of products, services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are made between you and the relevant advertiser or supplier. Polytron-Vertrieb GmbH is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as the result of any such dealings.

Data Protection Policy
We respect your privacy and are firmly committed to protecting your information. The law places certain obligations on us and we have put further procedures in place so you can be confident that the data you provide will only be used in a lawful and fair way and that we will never mislead you about the use of your data. You can be sure that we will never pass on your information to third parties or send you marketing material without your express consent.

Whenever we collect data on our website we will provide you with information on the purposes for which we intend to process the data and any other information which is required to ensure fairness in our dealings with you.